Friday, February 29, 2008

life long learning

Lately there have been an increasing number of social media apps popping up all over. It's fun to watch who signs up. I'm usually among the second or third wave of new comers. As usual they request name and personal profile or interests. As a response I came up with a short profile which reflects my on going curiosity: autodidactic techno arsty craftsy eclecticist.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

once upon a time in a gallery

Early on when I made objects for art shows I would often go ahead and not name my pieces. Those works would join the massive ranks of  art known simply as: untitled.

I've created a number of different blogs here and there for a long time. When starting this one, I wasn't sure what to name it. I seem to be moving away from the capital O  and capital R combination found in geORge and ORpost and other such ORtifacts. So, not that direction. In that case for the time being this will be simply untitled.

This space may prove to be a collection point of the various trails in the digital beaches of the internets.  I'll ask help from my tech savvy friends to figure out how to apply the different badges and widgets to link to artifacts of my other paths.

Meanwhile, I'll begin re-thinking about what I want to share.